Saturday, October 10, 2009


It would be nice to be informed of things that require my permission. Especially if it inconviences my living arrangements with myself and family.

Or heck, ask me in advance! I don't like being suprised with things that aren't fun.

Oh, if you ask for a favor, make it easy on me. Don't hassel me any further when you can take your lazy ass over and do it yourself. I have a lot on my plate. There was a death in the family for goodness sake. Get over yourself already!

Lesson of the day: don't always assume I will say yes to every favor you have. When there's a lot of family drama going on, like a death, don't bother me with your nonsense.

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Things that make my Blood Boil

• homemade sushi and Japanese food.

• Weezer, Dashboard and Death Cab for Cutie.

• WOW.

• the box to the left keeps getting bigger.

• long over due computer tower.

• money people owe me.

• anti social behavior.

• seeing you and her.

• people who lie to me. Even after I asked them point blank for the ugly truth.

• people using my place to host their dirty agendas. Not asking for my permission is even worse.

• people underestimating my intelligence. Y'all are not slick whatsoever.

Lesson of the day: people who piss me off should eat shit.

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, September 7, 2009

Oh boy

Am I a hopeless romantic? My love and fanatic behavior for Twilight proves that I wear my heart on my sleeve. My love for all that is Disney should indicate that I believe in Prince Charming, lovely fairy tales and happy ever afters. I "ahh" at cute lovy dovy sitcom/movie scenerios. So yeah, I'm a hopeless romantic. I want Edward Cullen, the modern day Prince Charming to sweep me off my feet one day. Dear reader, please refrain from rolling your eyes at that day dream of mine.

However, I despise girly sob fest movies. The Time Travler's Wife? Hell to the fuckin no would I ever want to see or rent that film! Did I shed a tear while watching the Titanic? Nope. Yeah I'm a freak of nature to be the only girl that didn't cry while watching Leo freeze to death. Point blank, the idiot should have grabbed another plank to save himself.

Do I believe in the cliche "if it's meant to be.. It will be". To quote Tam and Trina, "aah hell no". I strongly believe that one makes things happen through effort versus sitting around relying on "hope" and "faith". Actions speak a thousand times stronger and louder than words. Talk is so cheap. Granted, whispering sweet nothings is cute sometimes. I'm a sap for thoughtful gestures.

Lesson of the day: actions always always speak louder than mere words.

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I said no

Spoiled people always want their way. That's why they like to surround themselves with pushovers. Or people that want to get in their pants.

I'm aware that I'm overly nice for my own good. Therefore, I have been working very hard on saying no to people. Putting my foot down isn't so hard. What's hard is when pushy bossy people won't take no for an answer. Or more annoyingly is they take a "maybe" or a "we'll see" as a yes set in stone. Then they try to hold you to it. Ish!

People who are pushy and spoiled tend expect the world to revolve around them at all times. No matter what occasion it is, the focus of attention has to be on them. Like let's forget baby Jesus was born on December 25th. We'll have his birthday celebration a day later because the PASP (pushy and spoiled people) want to go watch a wrestling match live. Well I say no mas! I was raised by a catholic mom and I gonna celebrate baby Jesus's birthday on the 25th!

Oh and I'm saying no the wrestling match. Ha!

Lesson of the day: no means no. We'll see also means no.

-- Post From My iPhone

Miss Hot and Crazy

Last night I got into an interesting conversation with Tam, Adam and Brent. The subject was the lure of hot crazy chicks. Tam and Adam are drawn to the hot and crazy. And yes, the crazy has to go hand in hand with the hotness. When I say crazy, I'm talking about chicks that break shit when they're mad. They become uber ghetto and start making a scene of some sort trying to scrap.

Adam thinks that is hot when a chickie has a terrible wicked temper. He thinks that makes them more passionate in bed. Tam says it's entertaining and it keeps him on his toes when a chick is crazy. Me? I find it painful to watch guys endure a crazy girlfriend. It's horrible to see guys get used and abused. All etiquette seems to go out the window for these hot crazy chicks. They think they can get their way by acting cute and flirty. When they don't get their way, all hell breaks loose.

The guys suprisingly acknowledge that the reason behind a hot girl's craziness is the many many insecurities these chicks have with themselves. Seems like the guys know what they are getting into so I can't worry too much a out them.

Lesson of the day: if your friend is dating a hot and crazy chick, be supportive. But if there's signs of abuse (dude beatings) get them to run far far away. Your friend is gonna thank you in the end.

-- Post From My iPhone

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Main Entry:
15th century
1 : lacking remembrance, memory, or mindful attention
2 : lacking active conscious knowledge or awareness —usually used with of or to
— obliv·i·ous·ly adverb
— obliv·i·ous·ness noun

I am clueless. Utterly, completely, fuckin blind to the obvious. Or are you so good that I couldn't tell. Hmm. It's you, not me.

-- Post From My iPhone

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Good Citizenship

From kindergarden through 6th grade, I was always awarded good citizenship. I never had dentention ever. Granted, my favorite history teacher Mr. Johnson thought it was weird that I never had dentention. So weird that he gave me dentention for 5 minutes for being a goody goody. I still don't count it because it was never documented. I have a squeaky clean record K-12th. I never ditched, I had perfect attendence senior year.

I like fitting into that proper well behaved asian stereotype. I do have a bad girl side of me though! I'm so not a square! But I can never go against authority.

Last night a bunch of us were out at the office, a bar in north park. It was a 5&Dime party that Red and Senith got invited to from the owner Jake. We decided it was a good place to continue Matt's birthday week celebration.

We rolled pretty deep. It was birthday boy Matt, Tam, Red, Jerrin, Vicky, Lisa, Tom, Nit and I out and about. Red got us a table and we were having a blast. Then Lisa's old co workers Ashley and Sabrina rolled up to out table. Apparently they go to the office all the time. The last time they partied with us it ended badly. Those 2 are nothing but drama with a capital D. The wonder twins hung out with us. They were drinking out of flask openly and we got caught. Security asked for the flask and we could still stay. We accidently dropped it behind the couch of our table. We asked if security could help us get it. Security ends up finding an empty bottle of alchy. Suite 26 didn't bring it in, but we got kicked out of the bar anyways.

Ugh, I was motified! Only ghetto people get thrown out of a club or bar. To make matters worse, Ashley was making a scene. Degrading the security guard and cursing up a storm. She was horrible! The next day I found her and Sabrina brought in the bottle that suite 26 got blamed for. Ugh! Rules are made to be followed at a bar. They gave us a second chance, but these ghetto rule breaking bia bias ruined it all.

Lesson of the day: follow the rules for nightlife. Dresscodes and all that good stuff. I'm never gonna hang with those troublesome twins again!

-- Post From My iPhone